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Pronouns Matter!

Why are pronouns important?

 Words are powerful language tools that help us convey meaning and connect. We use words to communicate, characterize, and describe everything around us. Nothing may be more personal than the words people use to refer to us through our names and pronouns.  Pronouns are one of the ways we portray our identities.  When someone asks you to use their pronouns, they are asking for you to respect their identity. 


When someone refers to another person using the wrong pronouns, especially on purpose, that can lead to that person feeling disrespected and can lead to dysphoria, exclusion and alienation.  Choosing to ignore or disrespect someone’s pronouns is not only an act of oppression but can also be considered an act of violence.


Often, people make assumptions about the gender of another person based on the person’s appearance or name. These assumptions aren’t always correct, and the act of making an assumption (even if correct) sends a potentially harmful message -- that people have to look a certain way to demonstrate the gender that they are or are not.  It is never safe to assume someone’s gender and living a life where people will naturally assume the correct pronouns for you is a privilege that not everyone experiences. 

Common Pronouns

Not sure how to properly use someone's pronouns?  Here are a few commonly used ones and how they're used in typical conversational format.


She is calling.

Her family is nice.

That car is hers.


When in doubt,

ask the woman herself!


He is calling.

His family is nice.

That car is his.


When in doubt,

ask the man himself!


They are calling.

Their family is nice.

That car is theirs.


When in doubt,

ask the person themself!


Want to learn more about why pronouns matter?  

Visit the following websites for more information!


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